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Graphic Design

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This page features a compilation of graphic work I created for a variety of different sources. All works were created using a combination of Adobe programs.

This brochure was created for COMM-222: Publication Design. The task was to create a four-page brochure, 11x 8 ½. For this assignment, I decided to be a little more creative and tackle it as if I was a Starfleet Academy recruiter from Star Trek. 

Both this poster and the accompanying infographic were created to accompany my Speech and Debate Persuasion speech on child marriage, which you can learn more about here. They served as handouts to be given at the end of the speech. 

This business card and accompanying letterhead were created for COMM-222: Publication Design. The task was to create a business card and letterhead for either or real or fake business. For this assignment, I pretended to be the president of an independent podcast and radio show production company. I took inspiration from Maximum Fun in the space theming.  

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